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Request Equipment

The Suraj Israni Center for Cinematic Arts offers exclusive access to professional film equipment to those awarded a fellowship, in support of cinematic research and film production.

 In 2025, the Suraj Israni Center for Cinematic Arts partnered with the Media Teaching Lab to manage the film equipment distribution to awarded fellows. All reservable film production equipment is housed in the Media Teaching Lab facility within the Communications building.

  1. Read the "Equipment Policy" and "Equipment Available" sections below to understand the request process and to preview the items available to reserve. 
  2. Complete the below form in entirety to submit an equipment request. 
  3. Questions? Email

Equipment Policy


  • Equipment is ONLY available to those awarded a fellowship within the last year (12 months) for use in support of identified cinematic projects. This ensures equipment availability for recent fellowship recipients.
  • If you were awarded more than 12 months ago, but feel you have a valid reason to request access, please complete an exception request form.


  • All fellows must first be registered in the WebCheckout system before equipment can be requested. It is not instant - Please allow 2 business days to process.
    • STUDENTS: click this First Time Registration link, sign-in using your AD, check the "I agree" box and click the "Submit Access Request" button. You will be added to the back end of WebCheckout.
    • FACULTY AND STAFF: E-mail from your UC San Diego email, with "SICCA Fellow WebCheckout Request" in the subject line, requesting to set-up a WebCheckout registration. Your PID or employee ID are NOT required.


  • REQUEST SUBMITTAL: 10 days before you need to pick-up, to allow for coordination between teams
  • BORROWING TIME:  14 days maximum* / Hourly minimum. Hourly use is available if wanting to test items, as training is not currently available for Center-owned equipment.
  • PICK-UP WINDOW: 3 hours. Reservations not retrieved after 3 hours from the designated pick-up time will be automatically canceled after that point.  Late pick-up does not extend use time.
  • PICK-UP/RETURNS: At the Media Teaching Lab, during standard hours only


  • Reservations are on a first-come-first-served basis - there is NO priority by fellow affiliation, project timeline or otherwise. All are encouraged to submit requests in advance to ensure availability.
  • The current request form does not display if equipment is in use by other fellows, so requested equipment may not always be available. When possible, alternative options within the Center's inventory may be offered. 
  • While all efforts are made for equipment to be available on the designated pick-up date, equipment breakage or late returns by previous fellowship users may impact availability.
  • *If seeking longer use, submit an exception request at least 3 business days before the return date. Exceptions are NOT guaranteed.



  • It is your responsibility to check and test your equipment before you leave the Media Lab. Pay close attention to how the equipment is packed in its case, as you will be asked to return it in the same order. Ask the attendant to make note of any discrepancies on your equipment reservation form before you sign it.
  • When you sign the form, you are assuming complete financial responsibility for the equipment and affirming that it is all there and in working order.
  • Fellows are encouraged to obtain personal insurance to cover any loss, damage or theft that may occur, especially if traveling out of state or internationally.  For travel on university business/projects, please see the travel accident insurance options available via Concur.


  • Equipment MUST be returned after 2 weeks (14 days) to allow access to other fellows. Penalties will apply for late returns. 
  • *If seeking longer use, submit an exception request at least 3 business days before the return date. Exceptions are NOT guaranteed.
  • The person who checks out the equipment is responsible for that equipment and its prompt return. Users are not authorized to exchange equipment with other fellows and are discouraged from returning equipment on behalf of other fellows in case of questions due to loss/breakage.
  • All equipment must be returned to Checkout in the same condition it was in when it left. You will be asked to rewind any cords and repack any items that are not correctly returned.
  • If a piece of equipment does not work properly, or if you even suspect that something may not be working correctly, please notify the Checkout staff when you return the equipment. 99% of the time the problem is due to simple wear and tear of equipment and not something for which you will be charged.
  • Allow time on your return day for you and the attendant to inspect each piece of your equipment together. Your equipment return will not be considered complete until you both agree upon the condition of the returned equipment.
  • Do not leave Checkout before your equipment return is fully complete and logged in the system. Otherwise, it is considered a late return and you will be penalized accordingly.
  • Late returns are taken seriously - they impact other fellows and disrupt production schedules. Fellows that return equipment late may have checkout privileges temporarily suspended.
  • Subsequent late returns may result in long-term loss of checkout privileges up to and including the remainder of the quarter or permanently.
  • Equipment not returned within several days, without an extension request and communication with the Media Lab, will be assumed lost and the fellow will be charged in full for equipment. 
  • If you are unable to return your equipment on time, notify the Media Teaching Lab Checkout Desk ASAP by calling 858-534-4635 or texting 619-894-6112, to minimize the penalty.


  • If equipment is lost or stolen, report it to the UCSD Police Department immediately at 858-534-HELP (4357), while also immediately emailing the Center and Media Lab.
  • You are legally and financially responsible for all equipment you check out and you will be billed for any loss of equipment or damage due to negligence. 
  • Fellows are encouraged to obtain personal insurance to cover any loss, damage or theft that may occur, especially if traveling out of state or internationally. For travel on university business/projects, please see the travel accident insurance options available via Concur.

Equipment Available
